DFY Meetings – Cold Email Agency

The Importance Of Showing Relevant Case Studies In Your Cold Emails

Bruce Martinus | 1/28/2022 | 7 min read

One of the top reasons for failed cold email campaigns is not being able to resonate with your reader.

Your prospects will only acknowledge your cold email when, and only when, your content is actually relevant to them and their needs.

Sharing relevant case studies shows your prospect that you’re more than capable of performing the job without you needing to send a chunky email explaining everything you can offer.

Furthermore, your case studies show social proof – which ultimately decreases the number of objections you may face otherwise.

You’re able to show significant value without having to over convince somebody to book a call with you because you’ve already shown them that you can be trusted.

And when you can generate trust, it can dramatically increase the performance of your cold email campaigns.


Why Relevant Case Studies Are Important

When you show your prospects that you’re capable of giving genuine advice or value, it automatically increases their levels of trust in you.

Offering your reader a chance to take a look at one of your previous case studies can slowly build the momentum of your relationship with them. This is done by offering something that is low friction for them – i.e, not a sales call, or a call-to-action to buy your service.

The majority of your readers won’t respond if you can’t prove to them that you can bring some value to them. 

The main goal of sharing relevant case studies is to optimize for a specific action such as a click-through to a link or a response to your email allowing you permission to send the link.

Your prospects will feel more inclined to respond because you aren’t necessarily trying to sell anything to them, you’re just asking them if they would like to see your proof of work.

What’s more, when you share relevant case studies, you’re increasing the chances of them seeing your company as more established, authentic, and trustworthy.

How To Effectively Share Your Case Studies

1) Sharing a case study for work you did with chiropractors, for example, when you’re targeting insurance agents won’t increase the likelihood of a response to your email.

You may know the fundamentals of your product or service rarely change, but your prospects don’t – so to effectively share your case studies, it has to personally mean something to your reader and their business.


2) Use your subject line to hint at your case study. For example, you might say;

“{Name} – interested in seeing how we made {company} achieve {result} in {timeframe}”


3) Offer your prospects a chance to view your relevant case study before asking them to jump on a call with you. 

You should ask them for permission to send over the link, and if they don’t respond to you within a couple of days, just follow up and ask them what they thought about it.


4) Another effective way to catch your prospect’s attention is to name-drop another brand within the space that you’ve worked with, or have a connection with, and also one that your prospect may also know.


5) Optimize your website to showcase all of your work and portray how valuable you are. This way you can simply ask your prospect to look through your website and they’ll be able to find all the relevant information that’s on there.

Furthermore, there’s a high chance that if your original email piqued their interest, they will look at your website and social links anyway, so it’s a good idea to optimize your website – and it’s crazy how many companies overlook this!



All-in-all, sharing relevant case studies with your ideal prospects can;

  • Build trust by offering them something low-friction and valuable before jumping on a call with you.

  • Show that you’re capable of delivering the job without having to spend a lot of time convincing your prospects.

  • Allow your prospects to find your company more established, authentic, and trustworthy.


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