Bruce Martinus | 1/3/2021 | 8 min read
There’s a bunch of people who love using humor in their cold emails, while others find them cheesy, unprofessional, or childish.
Here’s the thing…
There’s way too much noise in people’s inboxes, and on the internet in general, for you to just follow the traditional route and be the same as everyone else.
Having sent both ‘professional’ and funny cold emails, it’s pretty clear that using a bit of humor can definitely have an impact on your campaign performance
The truth is that not everyone will be responsive to funny emails – you should consider the personality type of your target audience, and more importantly, the person you’re speaking with.
But people don’t automatically lose their sense of humor just because they wear a suit and tie.
They still like to laugh, you know.
The reality of sending funny cold emails is that you could potentially be the highlight of someone’s day.
Look at it like this;
They presumably have an important role in the company, maybe the founder or CEO, hence why they’re receiving emails from strangers asking for their business.
They spend all day putting out fires, deleting hundreds of useless emails, making sure people are happy, sitting in meeting after meeting, problem after problem…
Then they get an email from a nice stranger (you) that forces the tiniest of sniggers out of them.
Sometimes that’s all it takes to make someone’s day.
Of course, you need to be able to effectively get across what you’re trying to say and what you’re offering, but it can definitely be done in a more uplifting tone.
But for a funny cold email to work, it’s important to understand the following things: